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Giornata della Giustizia Penale Internazionale.

Si celebra oggi, 17 luglio, la Giornata della Giustizia Penale Internazionale, istituita durante la Conferenza di revisione dello statuto della Corte Penale Internazionale, tenutasi a Kampala nel 2010.

When representatives of 120 States adopted the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC), on 17 July 1998, they did so to build a more just world. Conscious that all people are connected, and that mass atrocities committed anywhere threaten the delicate mosaic of modern societies as well as world peace and security, they set up a permanent, international justice system to address crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide by holding individuals accountable either at the national or international level. Through such action, the Rome Statute system aims to help prevent such crimes, to protect all peoples from them, and to uphold what is best, but also most fragile, within us: the shared sense of justice that is a common bond of all humanity. […]”
(ICC President: 17 July – A day to unite in building a more just world,

Per leggere la dichiarazione completa e vedere il filmato della dichiarazione del Presidente dell’ICC, Sang-Hyun Song, fare click qui.

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